Junior Digital Marketing Specialist
إذا كنت خريج أحد التخصصات التالية:
computer science, computer engineering or an equivalent degree.
و خبرتك بين 0-2 سنة, يمكنك الالتحاق بشركة Evolvice ك Junior Difital Marketing Specialist.
About the job:
Evolve is a German nearshore service provider with branches in Egypt and Ukraine. Founded in 2012,
Evolvice has a strong technical background and business domain knowledge, combining software engineering and Agile methodology, leading its’ clients’ path to digital transformation.
Headquartered in the heart of the automobile industry, Stuttgart (Germany), our expertise stretches from automotive, healthcare, travel, financial, governmental, and insurance to manufacturing industries.
Our team is over 50 people including web (C#/.NET, Java, JS) & mobile (iOS/Android/Ionic) developers together with business analysts, project managers, QA and support staff. Our corporate culture is characterized by agile processes, autonomous teams without hierarchies, as well as openness and transparency – both internally and with our clients. Currently, we are searching for Junior Digital Marketing Specialist to join the big team of professionals in Cairo. We are looking for an active, responsive, and devoted person.
–Bachelor in computer science, computer engineering or an equivalent degree;
– 0 – 2 years of relevant experience;
– At least Upper-Intermediate English (all internal communication is in English).
Job Application:
للتواصل معنا لإعداد ال CV و الاستعداد لل Interview: