Assistant/ Associate/Professor of Accounting
Job Description:
The Department of Accounting at the School of Business invites applications for a full time non-tenure track, one-year fixed term appointment, at the level of Assistant/Associate/Professor in Accounting starting in Fall 2022. Responsibilities include undergraduate teaching in the Bachelor of Accounting program.
The Department of Accounting seeks an exceptional candidate whose research complements the department’s existing strengths. The department faculty have a wide array of research topics that cover Financial Accounting, Managerial Accounting, Auditing, Tax, and Corporate Governance. Many of the department’s research focuses on emerging markets, especially Middle east and Africa Region.
Applicants must have a PhD in Accounting and/or related disciplines from a reputable university, preferably AACSB and/or EQUIS accredited. Applicants must demonstrate an excellent record of teaching experience and student evaluations, as well as a solid record in research.
Job Application:
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