Explore Summer Internship Program 2022
تعلن شركة راية عن فتح باب التدريب الصيفي, للتخصصات التالية:
Tracks: HR, Finance, Internal Audit, Data analysis, Maintenance, Manufacturing, and Quality Control
Internship Details:
- Duration: 2 months (July & August)
- You are requested to choose ONLY 1 track
- Deadline to apply: Saturday, 25th of June 2022 11:59 PM
- Undergraduates of all majors are welcome to apply
- Ability to work on multiple projects
- Strong communication and presentation skills
- Willingness to learn
Apply through this link:
للاستعداد لل Interview و إعداد ال CV تواصل معنا من خلال الرابط التالى على ال WhatsApp