Ekattera Tea Egypt Summer Internship- Customer Development
تعلن شركة Ekattera Tea عن فتح باب التقديم على التدريب الصيفي Summer Internship- Customer Development.
- Marketing, Business , Finance , Engineering or any Relevant Major Graduates
- Experience in Extracurricular/Student activities
- Preferably Owning a car
- Analytical, confident, and proactive thinker
- Creativity and passion to succeed
- Strong communication skills
- Good business sense & sense of urgency when required
- An independent worker and self-starter, always striving to go the extra mile to deliver excellent performance
- A resilient team player
- Must be a Fresh Graduate or current student (graduating class of 2022/2023)
- Microsoft Office proficiency
التقديم من خلال الرابط التالي:
و عشان نقدر نساعدك أكتر فى التقديم و تجهيز ال CV و الاستعداد لل Interview تقدر تتواصل معانا على WhatsApp و تتعرف على كل الخدمات المتاحة