Marketing P&G internship
متاح فرصة للتقديم على التدريب الصيفي فى شركة P&G عن بعد. التدريب متاح للطلبة الذين من المفترض أن عام تخرجهم 2022-2023.
مدة التدريب 3 شهور و من الممكن أن يتم مدها ل 6 شهور على حسب ما يناسب الطلبة و جدول أعمالهم.
التقديم من خلال الرابط التالى:
Responsibilities :
ResponsibilitiesasofDay1 – you will feel the ownership of your project from the beginning, and you will be given specific projects and responsibilities
Recognised state of the art marketing skills – you get to test your marketing knowledge and management abilities in real-life situations and obtain insights into the world of brand & business management
Continuouscoaching& mentoring– you will work with passionate people and receive both formal trainings as well as day-to-day mentoring from your manager, likely a Brand Manager
Dynamicandrespectfulworkenvironment – employees are at the core; we value every individual and encourage initiatives promoting agility and work/life balance
Paid Learning Experience: We treat you like a real full-time employee in terms of the responsibility you take on and by providing you with a competitive monthly stipend
Students graduating in Summer 2023 or Winter 2022, studying towards a bachelor’s degree in Business or Engineering, Egyptian National, Committed to spending min. 3 months during their internship
Passionate about marketing
Can manage a virtual internship with agile working hours along with their ongoing semester
Are born leaders, are hardworking and are passionate to make things happen
Know how to collaborate well across teams and business partners
Have a strong interest and passion for Brand Management
Like to bring creativity & innovation to the work
Have strong analytical and critical thinking skills
Can show evidence of achievements in academic and/or non-academic activities
Are proficient in English
و عشان نقدر نساعدك أكتر فى التقديم و تجهيز ال CV و الاستعداد لل Interview تقدر تتواصل معانا على WhatsApp و تتعرف على كل الخدمات المتاحة