How to Pass an interview
Do you have a job interview coming up? Are you prepared? The best way to get ready for an interview is to take the time to review the most common interview questions you will most likely be asked, along with examples of the best answers. Knowing what you’re going to say can eliminate a lot of interview stress.
Prepare for the Interview
You don’t need to memorize an answer, but do take the time to consider how you’ll respond. The more you prepare, the more confident you’ll feel during a job interview.
When you’re not sure what to expect during an interview, also take time to review this refresher on how job interviews work, and these tips on how to prepare to ace your job interview.
Job Interview Questions and Answers
Here’s a list of common job interview questions, with examples of the best answers about you, your work history and experience, the job, your goals, the new job, salary, and what you have to offer the employer.
Questions About You
Interviewers will ask questions about you to gain insight into your personality and to determine whether you’re a fit for both the job and the company. These are open-ended questions which will give you the opportunity to show the employer that you’re well-qualified for the position.
- Tell me about yourself.
- What is your greatest strength?
- What is your greatest weakness?
- What makes you unique?
- Tell me about something that’s not on your resume.
- How will your greatest strength help you perform?
- How do you handle failure?
- How do you handle success?
- Do you consider yourself successful? Why?
- How do you handle stress and pressure?
- How would you describe yourself?
- Describe a typical work week.
- Are you nice?
- Are you willing to fail?
- Are you willing to relocate?
- Describe your work ethic.
- Describe your work style.
- Do you work well with other people?
- Do you take work home with you?
- How are you different from the competition?
- How do you view yourself? Whom do you compare yourself to?
- How does this job fit in with your career aspirations?
- How many hours a week do you normally work?
- How well do you assimilate into a new environment?
- How would you adjust to working for a new company?
- How would you describe the pace at which you work?
- How would your co-workers describe your personality?
- How would a professor describe you?
- Is there anything else we should know about you?
- What motivates you?
- Are you a self-motivator?
- What do you find are the most difficult decisions to make?
- What has been the greatest disappointment in your life?
- What are you passionate about?
- What are your hobbies?
- What are your pet peeves?
- What is your dream job?
- What is the worst thing you’ve gotten away with?
- What won’t you miss about your last job?
- Would you rather be liked or respected?
- Why should I take a risk on you?
Questions About Leaving Your Job
Employers almost always ask about why you left, or are leaving, your job. Be prepared with an explanation for why you’re moving on. Do make sure the reasons you give match what past employers will say about you if they are contacted for a reference.